Investor Relations




Corporate Profile

The East Caribbean Financial Holding Company (ECFH) was the product of a 2001 merger of two financial institutions, the largest commercial bank and the sole development bank in Saint Lucia. The merger objectives were to provide a broader range of banking, financial and related services at a lower cost and a higher level of efficiency than was previously provided by these institutions operating independently. The Group instantly became Saint Lucia’s leading financial institution. Today, the Group currently enjoys a 60% share of the banking market and dominance in many areas.



Click here to access the Group's Financials. 


Corporate Governance 


The board of directors of the East Caribbean Financial Holding Company Limited is responsible for the governance of the Group, and is committed to adhering to the highest standards of corporate governance. It is guided by a formal Corporate Governance Policy.


 The board comprises appointed and elected directors. It sets polices for and reviews the Group’s Strategies, financials objectives, operating plans and plans for management succession. The board meets every month and special meetings may be held when the need arises.


The board provides leadership of the Group within the framework of sound corporate governance practices, as well as prudent and effective controls that facilitate risk assessment and management. It sets the Group’s strategic goals and objectives. The Board establishes the company’s values and ensures that its obligations to shareholders and other stakeholders are understood and met.


All directors must take decisions objectively in the interest of the company.


There is clear delineation of responsibilities between the running of the board and the executive responsibility for the running of the Group. To facilitate accountability and transparency, no one individual or group of individuals dominates the decision making process. The roles of Chairman and Group Managing Director cannot be exercised by the same individual.


The Board comprises eleven members, ten of whom are elected or appointed by the holders of ordinary shares and one, the Group Managing Director, is an executive director. Collectively, the members of the board must demonstrate a balance of skills and experience appropriate for the requirements of the business.


The ECFH board must be aware of all material risks and other issues that may ultimately affect the Group. As some of these risks may originate in subsidiaries, it is necessary that the parent board be able to exercise adequate oversight over the activities of the subsidiaries.


Except for the Group Chairman and Group managing Director, no director shall hold more than three directorships in the Group.


Except in exceptional circumstance, the chairmanship of the subsidiaries will be held by a member of the ECFH board.


Non-executive directors must always constitute a majority of the boards of subsidiaries and no subsidiary shall take a decision where the majority is a quorum is of executive directors. 


In an effort to effectively allocate tasks and responsibilities at the board level, the board has established committees with clearly defined objectives, authorities, responsibilities and tenure. These committees serve the boards of all subsidiary companies. The board shall delegate matters requiring special approvals to any committees.


These committees consist mainly of five independent directors and meet at least three times a year or when the need arises.


Financial Releases 


In this section, you will find press releases and other publications on the Group's Financial position


Services for Shareholders   


ECFH shares are listed on the Eastern Caribbean Stock Exchange under the symbol ECFH.


Share Information 


For information on their shares, shareholders can contact the Corporate Secretary at 456-6832 or 457-7202 or click here to send us an email.


Persons interested in purchasing ECFH shares can do so through a licensed broker.


Anti-Money Laundering


ECFH has implemented a Group-wide Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance program, which covers all of its subsidiaries and is designed to comply with applicable laws and regulations. This program is as a result of a policy approved in 2004 and updated in 2008. As part of its Risk Management strategy the Group must ensure that adequate polices, practices and procedures are in place to promote high ethical and professional standards and prevent the intentional or unintentional abuse by criminal elements.  

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